
Our key thematic expertise areas are:
  • Landscape, land cover and forest mapping and and changes
  • Participatory GIS and community mapping methods
  • Climate change, urban resilience, climate services
  • Landscape value and ecosystem service mapping
  • Earth observation and citizen science
  • Participatory land use planning and natural resource management
  • Sustainability of coastal landscapes and ecosystem, MSP
  • Knowledge creation processes in globalization and development cooperation
  • Geospatial capacities and competence growth
  • Geospatial and ICT entrepreneurship
  • Geospatial businesses in emerging markets
  • Open Science, Digital skills and sustainability

Submit your research!

We welcome all community members to increase their research visibility by submitting a short description to be published on DIDAIhub pages. Fill in the Google Forms linked below!

Write a short description of your ongoing research topic and activities related to the focus of DIDAIhub. Do not report "projects", but rather what is the overall topic or theme of your research and the objectives, what type of methodologies and data you are using and where is your research ongoing.