Community platform for digital data and technology driven global innovations
DIDAIhub is a community platform and a catalyst of innovative research and learning solutions with global impacts at the University of Turku.
We approach global sustainability challenges with an inclusive and transformative mind-set, combining local talent with open data, digital technologies and citizen engagement.
Innovative solutions
Innovative solutions stem from our research activities where an idea has turned into an applicable and scalable
solution or service. Browse innovative learning campaigns, geospatial data repositories, event concepts, and more!
Our resources
Solution playbooks
Handbooks for transformative digital data, technology and community-based practices and solutions
Data and tools
Open access geospatial data, data services and digital tools
Learning resources
Open online academic learning resources adoptable to local contexts around the globe

Research themes and science topics covered by DIDAIhub researchers. Contact us to make your research visible on the site!

Experts associated with developing the DIDAIhub resources. Contact familiar colleagues or establish new partnerships

Our partner organisations and most relevant networks. Explore and contact to start working together