Publications and media
Doctoral theses
- Eilola, S. (2020). Village landscape from near and far: Participatory geospatial methods to integrate local knowledge into formal land use planning in Tanzania. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis All 370. Doctoral thesis (article-based). Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Hooli, L. (2016). Adaptability, Transformation and Complex Changes in Namibia and Tanzania: Resilience and Innovation System Developmentin Local Communities. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis All 321. Doctoral thesis (article-based). Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Zahor, K. Z. (2014). Determinants of forest change and their implication on the people’s livelihood in Ngezi area, Micheweni District, Pemba. Doctoral thesis (monograph, unpublished). Department of Geography, University of Dar es Salaam.
- Fagerholm, N. (2012). Community inhabitants’ values and benefits in dynamic tropical forest landscapes – Participation and spatial analysis in landscape knowledge integration. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis All 272. Doctoral thesis (article-based). Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Haapanen, T. (2011). Rural food system change in Tanzania during the post-ujamaa era. A case study from Western Bagamoyo District. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis A II 265. Doctoral thesis (monograph). Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
Master theses
- Aaltonen, V. (2022). Ethics and safety of community-based geospatial data processes in the resilient urban South. 50 pp. MSc thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Nygren, O. (2022). Automating Global Geospatial Data Set Analysis: Visualizing flood disasters in the cities of the Global South. 71 pp. MSc thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Pöllänen, H. (2022). Green landscapes in a city of millions: Urban ecosystem services in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 68 pp. MSc thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Aalto, I. (2020). Using time series analysis to monitor deforestation dynamics in Miombo woodlands in Southern Highlands of Tanzania. MSc thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Haaranen, A. (2019). Yritysvetoinen kehitysyhteistyö – Tapaustutkimuksena Suomen BEAM-ohjelma. MSc thesis (in Finnish). Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Pitzen, S. (2019). Human-nature relationships and pro-environmental behaviour: lessons from rural Zanzibari villages. MSc thesis. Department of Social Research, University of Turku.
- Arki, V. (2017). Exploring value-landscape associations in the Tanzanian Southern Highlands. MSc thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Mzee, A. J. (2016). Developing land and vegetation change monitoring scheme at landscape scale for Zanzibar. MSc thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Laitinen, A. (2016). Tiedon tila-ajalliset jalostamisprosessit suomalaisessa kehitysyhteistyössä – Tapaustutkimuksena ZAN–SDI-hanke Sansibarilla. MSc thesis (in Finnish). Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Ojala, M-L. (2015). Another Day at the Beach. Everyday Rhythms of Place and Bodies, Experienced at a Tourism-influenced Beach in Zanzibar, Tanzania. MSc thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Pulkkinen, E. (2015). Sadannan alueellinen vaihtelu Ungujalla (Sansibar, Tansania). MSc thesis (in Finnish). Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku
- Metsälä, H. (2014). Kestävä matkailu Sansibarilla: vastuullisten majoitusyritysten tavoitteet, markkinointi ja toiminta. MSc thesis (in Finnish). Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Kukkonen, M. (2013). Forest cover and its changes in Unguja Island, Zanzibar. MSc thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Eilola, S. (2012). Assessment of Agroecosystem Health at Local Scales: a Case Study from Unguja Island, Zanzibar. MSc thesis. Department of Geography and Geology, University of Turku.
- Erasto, N. Y. (2012). Impact of land use/cover change on community livelihoods. The case of Masingini Forest reserve. Department of Geography, University of Dar es Salaam.
- Klein, R. (2008). The Edaphic Landscape of Unguja Island, Zanzibar. MSc thesis. Department of Geography, University of Turku.
- Makandi, H. (2008). Mapping cropland preferences of the village communities of Unguja, Zanzibar. MSc thesis. Department of Geography, University of Turku.
- Juntunen, S. (2008). Rural Livelihoods and Community Lifeworlds – Examining Village Economies and Individual Livelihood Strategies in Unguja, Zanzibar. MSc thesis. Department of Geography, University of Turku.
- Mustelin, J. (2007). Tourism, Resource Access and Power’s Modalities in Zanzibar, Tanzania. MSc thesis. Department of Geography, University of Turku.
- Orjala, M. (2006). Lifeworlds and its Reflections in Rural Communities – The Interaction Between an Individual, a Village Community and Nature on the Island of Unguja in Zanzibar. MSc thesis. Department of Geography, University of Turku.
- Mhache, E. (2005). Impacts of Tree Planting on the Livelihoods of Communities in Unguja Island, Zanzibar. MSc thesis. University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Media and news
Monitieteistä kestävyysyhteistyötä Afrikassa
27.1.2023 | UTU News
Celebrating the Open Access Week - Joint development of MiniMoocs with our Tanzanian partners
25.10.2021 | UTU News
Geospatial Education Development Project Coordinated by the University of Turku Receives Nearly €2 Million in Funding
3.8.2020 | UTU News
University and World Bank Presented Their Collaboration in Improving Resilience of African Cities
30.1.2020 | UTU News
Land Use Planning Prevents Misuse of Natural Resources – Researchers Developed Improved Method in Tanzania
30.10.2019 | UTU News
Osallistavan paikkatiedon kehittämistä Tansaniassa
22.10.2019 | Turun Maantieteellinen Seura ry
Collaboration between University of Turku and UN Economic Commission for Africa in Sustainable Development Launched with Two-day Seminar
26.8.2019 | UTU News
Solving land use challenges in Tanzania – Innovative village land use planning methods supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
9.5.2018 | Embassy of Finland, Dar es Salaam
Biosfäärin hiilivarastoja kasvattamalla torjutaan ilmastonmuutosta – Suomelle tärkeä rooli?
12.12.2017 | UTU News
Geospatial Collaboration Supports Business Development in Tanzania
3.1.2017 | UTU News
Suomi vei paikkatieto-osaamista Sansibariin: Joka kolkka kartoitettiin – toi turvaa ja investointeja
3.11.2015 | Suomen Kuvalehti
Turun tiedeyhteys Tansaniaan hiipuu
27.9.2015 | Turun Sanomat (digitilaajille)
Turkulainen paikkatieto-osaaminen auttaa tansanialaisia maansa kehittämisessä
22.8.2014 | UTU News