Geovisualisation Challenge

Geovisualisation Challenge for higher-education level students is a fun and innovative way to learn the power of maps and visualisation of geospatial data that could bring solutions to challenges faced in their living surroundings and communities.

Challenge theme that is tied to real-world cases, provided by a local stakeholder, brings the sense of meaningfulness to the challenge journey. Encouragement to utilise new web-based and interactive tools invite the students to apply their previous skills, and explore new possibilities to build beautiful and informative visualisation solutions.

The 4-5 week long challenge builds group working skills, ideation process of coming up the solution, and gives useful experience for pitching the visualisation solution to stakeholders. Organise as a part of course, or as a standalone event!


Want to organise a Geovisualisation Challenge? Check out the blueprint for tips!
